Le Batelier du Ried – Flat-bottomed boat trip

Updated on 2024-04-23

I have already spoken to you several times about the Alsatian Ried, this area located in the plain of Alsace, east of Sélestat and which shelters an incredible biodiversity. I have already given you a lot of ideas of things to do in the Ried but there was one missing: a trip in a flat-bottomed boat with the Batelier du Ried!

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

The flat-bottomed boat is the traditional boat used to move around the area: its bottom allows you to glide on the water no matter how deep it is (or almost!). The waterways of the Ried are subject to significant variations in level and must be adapted. The presence of water is very marked in the Ried, and this is part of its charm: many meadows are even completely flooded in winter! What better way to discover it than by boat?

A trip in a flat-bottomed boat in the company of Patrick, the boatman of the Ried, is to plunge into the magic of the Ried: its history, its so particular landscapes, its fauna and flora as well as its legends. Patrick is a true storyteller, who takes you with him into a wonderful world at the slow rhythm of his boat gliding on the water. Everything is peaceful and you can enjoy the moment while learning a lot about the surrounding nature.

Different formulas of walks are proposed. The “simple” tour includes a trip by boat and a return on foot through the ried (unaccompanied). Another ride allows you to have a commented visit of the magnificent abbey of Ebersmunster and then to return by minibus. In any case, a short break with a drink tasting, the elixir of the boatman, is planned along the way. Very nice!

  • Great ecotourism trip
  • Patrick’s storytelling skills
  • Peaceful landscapes of the Ried
  • We were a little lost in the return, but nothing bad 😉

My photos of the boat trip with the Batelier du Ried