Cafes and tearooms
Strasbourg’s 19 best tearooms and cafés (at least my favorites!)
By Laurène

There’s nothing like a cup of tea or coffee with a slice of cake for a break in the afternoon, don’t you think? Here are our favorite tearooms and cafés in Strasbourg, where you can have a good time even when the weather ‘s gloomy outside. There’s no hierarchy between them, each one has its […]

Best tea and coffee shops in Colmar (my favorites!)
By Laurène

Looking for a good tea room or café in Colmar for a gourmet breakfast or snack? Good news, there’s plenty to choose from! In this blog post, I give you my favourite addresses: these are the best tearooms in Colmar in my opinion! The map of my favorite tea rooms and cafés in Colmar 1. […]

The best tea and coffee shops in Mulhouse (or at least my favorites!)
By Laurène

Mulhouse has a number of charming cafés and tea rooms where you can take a pleasant break while enjoying a good piece of cake. I haven’t tried all the addresses yet (at all!) but I’m starting this article with two good addresses, waiting to complete it as I discover them! 🙂 Le Temps d’une Pause […]

The best tea and coffee shops in Sélestat (or at least my favorites!)
By Laurène

I am a fan of cosy tea rooms, where you can have a good tea or coffee with a piece of cake. I like to go there with friends or with my mother when she is in Alsace. So I became an expert in finding good addresses! And I must say I was quite impressed […]