Strasbourg’s 10 most beautiful terraces (our favorites)
By Céline

We may not have the sea in Strasbourg, but we do have the Grande Île / Ill and we know how to exploit its potential. The result? Surrounded by water, Strasbourg boasts a host of houseboats, third-party venues, floating and ephemeral bars, and lovely terraces on the quaysides to enjoy the summer and keep cool […]

The best cocktail bars in Strasbourg (or at least our favorites!)
By Vivine

Alsatian traditions make my heart beat, except for one… beer! Fortunately for me (and my pint of diabolo!), for some time now, great cocktail bars have emerged in our beautiful European capital, Strasbourg. A little tour of the best cocktail bars in Strasbourg with my friends Léa and Laurène! The menu of our favorite bars […]

The best beer bars in Strasbourg (or at least our favorites!)
By Jessy-Lee

There’s nothing like a good beer to relieve the pressure after work! It’s a good thing, because in Strasbourg and in Alsace in general, beer is more than a drink: it’s a real tradition! It would be a mistake to visit Strasbourg without taking advantage of its many beer bars and tasting its traditional local […]

The best bars in Mulhouse
By Laurène

Today, I invited my blogger friend Philippe Trzebiatowski, from the excellent travel blog Vatebalader, to talk to me about a subject he knows well: bars in Mulhouse! Philippe is from Mulhouse and likes to go out (a lot), so he was the perfect person to write this article! I let him speak… As I often […]