Boat trip in Colmar – Notice on the boat in the Little Venice

Updated on 2024-05-03

Boating in Colmar in Alsace, that seems a bit far-fetched, doesn't it? In fact, you can take a boat ride in Colmar on the Lauch, the name of the river that crosses the city: a good way to visit Colmar differently, along the water! A tourist activity but I recommend it.

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

Stroll with Sweet Narcisse from the Saint-Pierre Bridge

I chose to test the boat ride in Colmar with Sweet Narcisse, which I recommend. The walk takes place on the Lauch, the name of the river that crosses Colmar, starting from the Pont Saint-Pierre in Little Venice.

On the river in a flat-bottomed boat

Here I am sitting in a flat-bottomed boat, like a tourist passing through Colmar. It is necessary to know how to be a tourist in its own region, it is very pleasant! These specially shaped boats were originally used by market gardeners to transport their vegetables to market.

Boat tour in Little Venice and the Market Gardeners

The boat trip takes us through different parts of Colmar. The famous Little Venice, of course, but also the residential district of Les Maraîchers, where vegetables used to come from, before returning to the city center to Les Halles, which still houses a covered market where I also recommend you to go.

The boat glides slowly on the water, letting us admire the landscape: half-timbered houses and green nature are there. The atmosphere is peaceful, it is very pleasant. Throughout the boat ride, the boatman gives us explanations on the history of Colmar. However, he takes a break when we pass through the residential area, so as not to disturb the peace of the neighborhood.

How long does the boat tour take?

Don’t expect a long walk, there aren’t enough canals in Colmar for that. After 30 minutes, we are back at the pier. It’s quick but I really enjoyed the walk, which allows to see the city of Colmar from a different angle.

  • Discover the little Venice from another point of view. I think it’s even more beautiful from the water!
  • No noise, the boat glides peacefully on the water
  • It’s quite short because you can’t go very far on the Lauch, but that’s how it is!