Cooking classes with Florian Duc near Saverne


If you're a foodie like me, have you ever dreamed of sneaking into the kitchens of great chefs to discover the behind-the-scenes of the perfect plates that are offered to you? Passion, attention to detail and the search for the ultimate flavor, this is what Florian Duc proposes to transmit to you for a few hours during a cooking class!

Bien qu’elle adore voyager à travers le monde, c’est autour d’une bonne tarte flambée que Vivine se sent le mieux. Enthousiaste, gourmande et audacieuse, elle est toujours en quête de découvertes qu’elle a plaisir à partager avec ses proches... et avec vous!

For 10 years, this young man worked in starred kitchens and it is now near Saverne in a beautiful house that he chose to settle recently to offer culinary workshops (and chef services at home). Several formulas are available (click to discover and book):

The atmosphere of the house – decorated with care – is very pleasant, the kitchen is worthy of a magazine page while being accessible and apart from 2/3 professional materials, one quickly finds one’s marks with an attentive host.

I chose the maxi formulaOn a 4-hour Saturday afternoon, we prepared and tasted a menu with a maximum of 6 participants: perfectly cooked egg, butternut pulp, winter virgin, bread crisp, then low-temperature chicken supreme, Jerusalem artichoke and creamy truffle emulsion, and finally a chocolate dessert (with photos!).

With my taste buds awake, I put on my apron, ready to peel, cut and mix, but it turns out that Florian Duc had prepared (or rather measured) the ground well; unlike daily cooking classes for the general public, here I was able to concentrate totally on the observation and learning of culinary techniques shared by an expert.

In the end, I came out of this experience with my stomach in the air and a smile on my face like when I leave a good restaurant, but this time with the pride of having contributed to the realization of the dishes! So why not you or a loved one? Give Florian Duc a chance and take a look at his different formulas on working with seasonal products, culinary trends and high-flying menus!

  • Discover behind-the-scenes tips and tricks of the chef
  • The transmission of recipes by paper with comments and email with sketches
  • The location which is worth the detour