Escape games in Strasbourg


Are you familiar with theescape game concept? It is a game where the goal is to escape from a room in a limited time, by means of successive clues. It's a fun and original outing with family, friends or even for corporate team building! If you're looking for an indoor activity in Strasbourg, there are several escape games to try...

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

Escape game A maze in


I was recently looking for a fun activity to do on a rainy Sunday… And suddenly I thought of A Maze In, an escape game in Strasbourg. The game is played in groups of 2 to 6 people at A Maze In. Ideal to do with friends or family! Children can participate from 9 years old.

This was my first time participating in an escape game and I didn’t know what to expect. Several rooms are available at Amaze In, of varying lengths.

We opted for the Asylum 1920, which lasts 45 minutes, and I can tell you that it went by very quickly… We had a lot of fun trying to get out of the room with the help of the clues we found along the way: we quickly got into the game! The whole is very well done (coherent clues) and the decoration of the room puts well in the atmosphere… A game master observes the progress of the players through a camera, which allows him to give some additional clues when he sees that the players are stuck. This is really good, it can save you from spending the whole hour on a clue! In the end, we did not manage to escape (within a few seconds, but too late anyway!). You’ll have to be faster next time!

A Maze In also offers a relaxation area to recover after the game. The place is nice, with a large bar and board games available. Conclusion: a good experience that changes from the more “classic” activities!

  • Addictive and fun game
  • Consistent clues (that doesn’t mean it’s easy, right!)
  • Well decorated room
  • Pleasant relaxation area
  • Nothing!

Escape game Les secrets du sablier


One Friday evening, I received a very strange message: “Dear archaeologists, by entering the famous Pyramid of Cheops, you will enter a mystical lair built more than 4500 years ago… It may be that the Egyptian pharaohs and gods had not thought about the cleanliness of the place: bring adequate equipment!” I’m already in the mood! The next day, we were four adventurers to try the “Pyramid of Cheops” room of this escape game in Strasbourg, Les Secrets du Sablier. I think you know the principle: locked in a room, you have to solve several puzzles to get out, in a given time (1 hour in this case).

The room The Pyramid of Cheops proposes, as you guessed, a scenario around the ancient Egypt and the gods… I can’t tell you more, not to spoil the experience! However, I can tell you why I loved the “Pyramid of Cheops” room.

To begin with, there is no key and no lock to solve the riddles… The Secrets of the Hourglasss managed to get out of the somewhat worn-out pattern of “we find a key that leads to a locked safe in which there is a key, which leads to another locked safe etc”.

Then, thanks to a rather audacious system, the interventions of the “game master” who helps you in case of problem (and he really helped us a lot!) do not take you out of the atmosphere at all. And as far as atmosphere is concerned, the settings are particularly well done.

Finally, whether or not you succeed in the escape game, you will go to the end of the scenario. If you lose, there will be no puzzle or room that you haven’t done. This avoids big frustrations… And our team is well placed to speak about it: we lost the game but we keep a great memory of it.

Two little tips for the end: listen carefully to the clues and don’t rush…

Theescape game Les Secrets du Sabliers has a second room, “Le Bar Clandestin”, on the theme of alcohol smuggling. I can’t wait to try it!

  • The bluffing decor
  • The setting and the original puzzles
  • The lack of frustration when you lose 🙂
  • The constant presence of the “game master” to help you
  • It was hard :D)

Dooz escape game

Three rooms are available at Dooz (plus a 4th “board”-type game combining board game and strategy with points. It’s a life-size naval battle!) I opted for the one in which our mission was to save the world from the spread of a virus… What a program, right? 😉 Luckily it was only a game because we failed miserably, but that didn’t stop us from having fun! Vivine tested another room, “Le Protocole”.

I found the settings really well done, immersing us directly in the atmosphere (I won’t tell you more, we have to keep the surprise effect), with immersive dialogues. As for the puzzles to solve, I must admit that I found them a bit difficult (and Vivine too) but I must say that I am not very used to these games. It’s certainly a logic to take! As in any escape game, fortunately you don’t get stuck for too long since a camera allows the game masters to observe you and to give you clues when they see that you are not progressing. In any case, we had a great time with friends, thinking in a good mood! If 1 hour seems like a long time, you should know that time really does fly by (too?) fast!

After the game, it is possible to have a drink in a large room (nicely decorated, again) and discuss this experience (“but why didn’t we think of that?” and other existential questions) while remaining discreet so as not to reveal anything to the following players… Come on, next time we’ll test another scenario!

  • Very well done decorations
  • Interesting puzzles
  • Friendly staff
  • Bar with board games
  • Riddles a little too difficult (for Vivine and me anyway!)
  • No wine at the bar, only beer and whiskey

Destroy room at DooZ in Strasbourg: 15 minutes to break everything


It’s not an escape game, but this Destroy Room is located at DooZ, which already runs 4 escape game rooms in Strasbourg. Broken furniture, boards, bottles and 15 minutes to destroy it all with sledgehammers, axes or crowbars… When Dooz invited us to try out their destroy room, we didn’t hesitate for long.

Before indulging in this curious experience, it is necessary to equip oneself accordingly: safety shoes, helmet with visor, shin guards, chest protections… We do not joke with safety. A jacket and pants made of mesh complete the immersion. After a reminder of the safety rules, here you are in a room where equipment is just waiting to be smashed to bits… Which we did with a lot of energy and fun, driven by music that was just right for us!

The destroy room, an unusual experience in Strasbourg

The room is soundproof so if you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs, no one will know (except your teammates of course, choose them well ;)) So much to say that we did not deprive ourselves. You can also “customize” your destroy room by bringing pictures for example or by asking for more material, for an extra fee.

In the end, we had a great time, very regressive and liberating. We laughed a lot, shouted and tested all the material to leave the destroy room exhausted and appeased. Quick tip: start with the “light” tools before testing the lumberjack axe and the sledgehammer. 15 minutes, it seems short but with the weight of the equipment and the energy spent, you sweat quickly. Moreover there is a shower at disposal for the most irritated 😉

A destroy room and a game bar

It is important to know that the broken furniture and boards come from a scrap yard, nothing is new or purchased. The wood is then recovered and crushed by a specialized platform in order to be reused. Look at the diagram in the pictures below to better understand 🙂

We also really enjoyed having a drink or sharing a cheese or charcuterie board after the destroy room. This one is located in the premises of the DooZ game bar, which is very well decorated and offers a lot of animations. I’ll probably come back to one of them.

The destroy room is available for 1 to 4 persons, from 18 years old.

  • The completely fun and regressive side of the destroy room
  • Destroy everything with music
  • The game bar where you can have a drink
  • Not easy to find the entrance!

Sensas, a sensory adventure in Strasbourg


It’s halfway between the escape game, Koh Lanta and Fort Boyard! The concept of Sensas? Test your five senses – sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste – with fun tests. All of them are carried out in cooperation with the members of your team and the accompaniment of the very friendly “master of the senses”.

The adventure begins with explanations and a small photo session quite original and fun. You then have 2 hours to complete several challenges in darkened rooms, solve puzzles and collect amulets. I can’t tell you more about these challenges, it would be a shame to spoil the surprise. It’s fun, unusual and… what a laugh!

Sensas Strasbourg, putting your 5 senses to the test

You will leave Sensas Strasbourg with a small practical gift and, a few days after your visit, the master of the senses will send you photos and videos of some of your challenges. I thought it was a great idea to have a souvenir of that day.

Another strong point: my mother and my brother, with whom we did Sensas, are not used to escape games or this kind of concept. They loved it and it went very well. The accompaniment of the Master of the Senses, who stays with you during all the tests via audio and video, means that you are never stuck. That said, having good reflexes and knowledge of escape game mechanisms is clearly a plus! Sensas Strasbourg can be played with family or friends.

Amulets converted into gifts

Finally, the amulets you collect will be converted into donations, which will be given to theAutism Today association. All the more reason to get as much as possible. The objective of Sensas is also to raise awareness of the different types of disabilities and this is reflected in the events. Have a good adventure!

  • The originality of the challenges
  • The benevolence and constant attention of the master of the senses
  • Suitable for people not used to escape games
  • Small memories of the adventure
  • Nothing!

Other escape games in Strasbourg

Here are the other escape games in Strasbourg that we haven’t yet tested:

  • John Doe
  • The little red door
  • Closed escape game
  • Escape yourself