Family spa at Domaine du Hirtz – Mother-daughter break


The Domaine du Hirtz, a 3* eco-tourism hotel residence on the heights of Wattwiller in the Haut-Rhin, has a very nice Nordic SPA. Already tested between colleagues, I opted this time for a Wednesday afternoon mother-daughter for the occasion of my daughter's 7th birthday. So, what does the SPA with the family look like?

Clémence aime dénicher des bons plans pour sa petite famille mais pas que. Curieuse de tout, elle a toujours aimé vadrouiller en Alsace - et ailleurs - et partager ses expériences avec ses amis et tout ceux qui en avaient besoin.

Wattwiller is a cute village near Cernay, northwest of Mulhouse, on the mountain side and on the Wine Route. Here you can find the François Schneider Foundation, a contemporary art center dedicated to water, or the famous water production of Wattwiller. It is also here, in the Vosges forest, that the Domaine du Hirtz is hidden. This 3* eco-tourism residence, a former vacation camp that was taken over, renovated and reopened in 2015, is located in Hirtzenstein, a place appreciated by the locals: from here hikes start to several spots in the Vosges.

During a seminar in January, I saw that the Nordic SPA offered a parent-child complicity package. I thought, right away, “This is for me and my chick!” I had never seen any in my previous mopings. This offer is valid on Wednesday afternoon only and – yay! – Her 7th birthday fell on a Wednesday this year. I call the hotel to make a reservation (you have to make an appointment because there is a massage included in the package) and, the same day, I surprise her.

“But Mom, what is a SPA?!”

Of course, the SPA is usually for grown-ups. My little girl is going to discover that the SPA is too good! And the Nordic SPA of the Domaine du Hirtz is no exception to the rule. All wood and decorated like a mountain chalet, it offers many ways to relax. On the first level there is a hammam, a sauna, a rest area and a shower. Classic, you will say? Not so much: you can choose between a Nordic shower (a real wooden bucket of cold water), 4 types of rain or a more traditional shower with massage jets. There is also a bed for exfoliation after the hammam for those who wish to do so. Outside, great bonus: here is the first Jacuzzi!

On the first floor of the chalet, there is a very special “mineral space”: infrared seats to relax the back muscles, a salt wall and Himalayan salt vapors for the respiratory tract. “Mommy, is this real salt?” “Yes dear”. Given her doubtful look, I don’t know if we managed to convince her! There is also a sanarium, less hot than a sauna, a second rest area and most importantly… the outdoor part! A suspended footbridge (so cool!) leads to a swimming SPA and a second hot tub, as well as a transparent “relaxation bubble” with a wood stove in winter. All this under the trees and with the birds singing… A real haven of peace! In addition, the owner has planned an extension with a course with different facilities in the forest. All of this will be wheelchair accessible, as will the rest of the facility.

What is the parent-child complicity offer of the Domaine du Hirtz?

When we arrived at the Domaine du Hirtz at 2:30 pm, we were given a bag with a bath sheet, a bathrobe, a bottle of water (Wattwiller, of course!), a towel to sit in the facilities and slippers. In short, apart from your bathing suits, a shower gel and a brush, you don’t have to bring anything else. everything is provided, even the cotton pads to remove make-up and the hair dryer!

We started with a duo massage in a second cottage adjoining the first. My little girl was over the moon and so relaxed. I have rarely seen her with such a big smile from ear to ear! In addition, the oil smelled delicious…

Then it’s open-SPA for 2 hours (understand, access to all facilities). A person from the Nordic SPA will show us around and explain to us which facilities are compatible with children, so that we can manage our one-on-one time as well as possible. Jacuzzis are clearly the preference of the lady! We wander, according to our desires. We enjoy unlimited drinks from the SPA (flavored water and green tea), dried fruits and sweets at our discretion, served in the Jacuzzi. In short, we are really pampered! 2 hours go by quickly when you have a good time. Then, we have the right to a few extra minutes to – finally – test the famous “salt cave” which intrigued my little girl so much…

Note that we were lucky enough to be only a few in the Nordic SPA, which was ideal to make the most of it. Just to be together for this special moment was a pleasure in itself!

But now it’s time to leave. We get dressed and leave with beautiful memories… I think my little girl has told me at least 10 times that she had a great afternoon! And you, did it make you want to try it? If you know of any other SPAs that accept children, I’d love to hear from you.

  • A special moment for mothers and daughters
  • The SPA staff, smiling and caring!
  • The massage that relaxed us
  • The setting and the “mountain chalet” decor
  • The outdoor part under the Vosges fir trees
  • Communication on their offer is not up to date on their website

My photos of the family spa at Domaine du Hirtz