Visit the Alsace-Moselle Memorial in Schirmeck


The Alsace-Moselle Memorial, located in Schirmeck in the Bruche Valley, is a museum that retraces the history of Alsace and Moselle from 1870 to the post-war period, with a particular focus on the Second World War (1939-1945). Put like that, it can seem boring but the museum is really well done and interesting. It is a place that I recommend you to see during your visit of Alsace.

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

A museum dedicated to the history of Alsace and part of Lorraine

The history of Alsace-Moselle is very singular: did you know that Alsatians and Moselle changed nationality 4 times between 1870 and 1945? If you want to better understand the history and culture of this region, a visit to the Alsace-Moselle Memorial is a must even if you are not a history buff in general. Why Alsace-Moselle and not Alsace-Lorraine? Because only Moselle in Lorraine has shared Alsace’s history.

The museum is built in a lively way: explanatory panels, photos, films, soundtracks, lights, staging of the rooms … We are really immersed in history, it is alive and we learn a lot thanks to the explanatory panels placed in each room! Beyond history, this knowledge of the region’s past is also a great insight into Alsatian culture and its particularities.

Allow about 1h30 to 2h to visit the Alsace-Moselle Memorial, there are many things to see.

Space dedicated to the European construction

In addition to teaching about past history, the memorial looks to the future by emphasizing the importance of Europeans uniting in their diversity to ensure peace and freedom. The final space of the museum is thus dedicated to the construction of Europe. A very good idea in my opinion, although I found this space a bit confusing.

A good complement to the visit of Struthof in Natzwiller

The visit of the Alsace-Moselle Memorial complements very well the visit of the former concentration camp of Struthof located 15 minutes away by car. This will give you an overview of what happened in Alsace during the Second World War. The entrance ticket to the memorial also entitles you to a reduced ticket to Struthof.

  • Very interesting light on the history of Alsace and Moselle
  • Museography that makes the museum come alive
  • Partner of the Pass Alsace
  • Room dedicated to Europe rather confused