Various sports
Bol d’Air in La Bresse – Adventure park, strong sensations or family fun
By Léa

I had wanted to discover Bol d’Air for a long time. This multi-activity park (accrobranche, bungee jumping, outdoor children’s park…) located at La Bressein the heart of the Vosges (it’s no longer in Alsace but in the neighboring Lorraine), seemed to me to be the ideal candidate for my favorite activities: sport, nature, strong sensations […]

Canoeing in Strasbourg
By Laurène

Did you know that it was possible to canoe and kayak in Strasbourg? Personally, I didn’t know it until I saw some kayakers passing by one day on the Ill… Of course, this made me want to try it right away and I asked around. The association Strasbourg Eaux Vives, located rue Pierre de Coubertin […]

Visit old silver mines in Alsace
By Vincent

Alsace is home toancient silver mines. These are located in the valley of Sainte-Marie aux Mines, nicknamed the “Val d’Argent”. Silver is no longer found in these mines, which were first exploited in the 16th century, but it is possible to discover the old galleries dug in the mines by visiting the Tellurium Park or […]