Bol d’Air in La Bresse – Adventure park, strong sensations or family fun


I had wanted to discover Bol d'Air for a long time. This multi-activity park (accrobranche, bungee jumping, outdoor children's park...) located at La Bressein the heart of the Vosges (it's no longer in Alsace but in the neighboring Lorraine), seemed to me to be the ideal candidate for my favorite activities: sport, nature, strong sensations and return to childhood :) Good news: I was not disappointed. We tested the adventure courses, the "Bol d'Air Line" or zip line with turns and the "Bois des Lutins" (for children). Shall I tell you?

Journaliste dans la vraie vie, blogueuse pour le plaisir, Léa a toujours aimé débusquer des adresses gourmandes méconnues, des activités insolites, des randos hors des sentiers battus, des lieux avec une histoire et une âme... Cela tombe bien, l'Alsace en regorge !

Bol d’Air adventure course

Bol d’Air offers 8 tree courses: 3 green circuits (easy), 3 blue, 2 red and one black and super black (difficult). When you arrive, an instructor equips you with a harness and another shows you how to use the safety equipment that permanently connects you to your lifeline. Here, there are two carabiners that work with a magnetic system: it is impossible to open the second carabiner until the first is attached to the lifeline. Impossible, therefore, to fall.

The handling is rather easy (that said, we are used to it) and you will be able to practice on a mini circuit on the ground with the instructor, the time to learn everything. Then, attack! Monkey bridge, ladders, nets, Tarzan jump, tightrope walker, zip line… You can progress quite easily from tree to tree with various installations.

The green and blue routes are fairly easy and at a low elevation. We liked the first red course, which winds near a stream, and can be done in several ways thanks to small alternative circuits. My favorites remain the black and super black, more physical, longer and more impressive but also more varied: stirrups, staggered logs, impressive monkey bridge… Some of them give you a hard time!

A little extra: the instructors are very attentive and are always at the foot of the trees to check that everything is going well. For the black and super black circuit, which is away from the main site, one of them was regularly following our progress.

Admission to the Adventure Course also includes access to the Barefoot Trail and the Big Air Jump. This last activity was a big hit: it is a giant air mattress into which you throw yourself, from a platform at 5 meters or a platform at 7 meters. It doesn’t look very high but it is still impressive. The sensation of free fall is great… You have the right to three jumps… Don’t miss it!

The Bol d’Air Line, zip line with turns

This is one of the park’s flagship activities: a zipline with turns that slaloms between the trees thanks to a system of suspended cables. After being equipped, you will reach the starting site of Bol d’Air Line by foot, passing through the forest. Once installed in a kind of improved (and very comfortable, it surprised me) harness, there is nothing left to do but enjoy.

As of the 2nd turn, one takes quickly speed… We turn between the trees, we get closer to the ground to better climb, we link 180 degree turns and slope breaks quite exhilarating! We think we’re stopping… Only to start again! Everything is fluid, light, without clutches. We have fun to look at the forest which extends under our feet and the adventure course which we cross sometimes.

At the finish line, an instructor helps you remove the equipment and… What’s over already?!

Note: this activity is not included in the price of the adventure course. You must also reserve your time slot in advance.

Le Bois des Lutins

“It’s not like a playground in the city where the kids play and the parents sit and wait. We wanted everyone to have fun.” This is how we were introduced to the park’s new feature, the Elf Wood. It must be admitted that this has been verified.

We literally fell back into childhood by taking the suspension bridges, sliding in the canvas slides, sneaking in the troll village or during the descents in buoys! This small park is full of pretty colorful decorations, original games and the concept is pushed to the point of putting information about fairies, trolls and other imaginary creatures in the tree houses.

Special mention to the giant trampoline areas in height. They both have larger or smaller balls to throw back and forth. We bounce, we fall, we laugh, we send the balls back to each other… And we realize that trampoline is really physical 🙂

I wouldn’t go so far as to recommend going if you’re only with adults, but as a family, it must be really fun.

  • The professionalism of the instructors
  • The thrill of the activities
  • The originality of the Bois des Lutins
  • This is still a budget
  • It’s far away!

My photos of Bol d’Air Park