
Journaliste dans la vraie vie, blogueuse pour le plaisir, Léa a toujours aimé débusquer des adresses gourmandes méconnues, des activités insolites, des randos hors des sentiers battus, des lieux avec une histoire et une âme... Cela tombe bien, l'Alsace en regorge !


Bol d’Air in La Bresse – Adventure park, strong sensations or family fun
By Léa

I had wanted to discover Bol d’Air for a long time. This multi-activity park (accrobranche, bungee jumping, outdoor children’s park…) located at La Bressein the heart of the Vosges (it’s no longer in Alsace but in the neighboring Lorraine), seemed to me to be the ideal candidate for my favorite activities: sport, nature, strong sensations […]

Spa at the Hotel Traube Tonbach: a relaxing day in the Black Forest
By Léa

The advantage of the Black Forest? There is an incredible offer of spas… The disadvantage of the Black Forest? How to make a choice in all this offer? Don’t panic, that’s why we’re here. I have found a little marvel located in Baiersbronn, Germany: the Spa of the Traube Tonbach hotel. Like many hotels, theTraube […]

Vodou Museum of Strasbourg – Night visit by torchlight
By Léa

This year, for Halloween, instead of taking out the fake spider webs or digging pumpkins, we wanted to go on an original outing… A visit to the Vodou museum, in the evening, plunged in the dark, with a flashlight as the only light. For those who do not know this museum, installed in an old […]

Christmas market in Grussenheim – A favorite!
By Léa

Favorite alert! I know many Christmas markets in Alsacebut it was by chance that I discovered the Christmas market of Saint Lucia, à Grussenheima village located 30 minutes from Colmar(it may be worthwhile to combine this visit with that of the Christmas market in Colmar 1 hour from Strasbourg and 1 hour from Mulhouse. For […]

12 things to know to enjoy Christmas markets
By Léa

Christmas in Alsace, it is magnificent decorations and illuminations, a magical atmosphere, delicacies at every corner… To take advantage of the Christmas markets in the region, without unpleasant surprises, here are 12 very practical tips suggested by the blog team! Reserve in advance! Hotels, B&Bs and restaurants are often fully booked as December approaches. Booking […]

Where to buy local at the Strasbourg Christmas market?
By Léa

I love to stroll around the Christmas markets of Alsace(Strasbourg, Ribeauvillé and Haguenau being among my favorites) and find nice little gifts from local artists and craftsmen. However, whether you are from the region or not, it is sometimes difficult to know where to be sure to find made in Alsace. Here are our good […]

Badeparadies – Water park, pools and slides in Germany
By Léa

The Badeparadies is a huge water park located in Titisee, in the Black Forest (Germany), about 30km from Freiburg im Breisgau. So it’s not far from the border with Alsace! Badeparadies, three aquatic spaces The water park Badeparadies includes three distinct areas: a space dedicated to leisure (Galaxy Schwarzwald), which I tested and about which […]

Spa at the Dollenberg Hotel in the heart of the Black Forest
By Léa

Where to start to present the Dollenberg Spa? Just the thought of going to this hotel-restaurant and spa located in the Black Forest, part of the Relais & Châteaux, I am already eager to try all the activities, without knowing where to start. The salt stone sauna or the pine sauna? The pool with indoor […]

Spa of the Hostellerie des Châteaux in Ottrott
By Léa

After having tested great spas like the Cheneaudiere, the Dollenberg or Traube Tonbach, I thought it would be difficult to be surprised again. Wrong! I had a great day at theHostellerie des Châteaux hotel-restaurant and spa, a Relais & Châteaux located in Ottrott. This small Alsatian village, only 30 minutes from Strasbourg and 45 minutes […]