Christmas market in Quatzenheim – Christmas farms

Updated on 2024-04-23
Christmas market-quatzenheim

Quatzenheim is a small village located at 15 minutes from Strasbourg, where I moved a few months ago (I already told you about it, since I offer bed and breakfast in my house). A Christmas market, called Les Fermes de Noël, is organized there every year during one evening. The concept is original: the stands of the Christmas market are installed in the courtyards of farms opened to the public for the occasion. Quatzenheim is indeed located in the Kochersberg, an agricultural region with many farms. The traditional farmhouses of the Kochersberg are built in a U-shape, leaving a perfect courtyard for... hosting a Christmas market! It was enough to think about it ;-)

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!
Christmas market-quatzenheim

Farms open to the public and decorated

The courtyards of four farms are decorated by the inhabitants with four different colors: the red, white, blue and golden farms open their doors to you. The farms are already beautiful “au naturel”, but the Christmas decorations and the wood fires that are installed there bring an additional charm to the place, making it quite magical. The atmosphere is that of a traditional Alsatian Christmas market, and it is not for nothing that you will find many locals coming to enjoy this beautiful family outing… At nightfall, it is simply magical!

An authentic atmosphere

Believe me, the Christmas market of Quatzenheim is one of the nicest I know! It’s not the fact that I’m a resident that makes me say that, I was really amazed that such a small village made such a beautiful market. It is obviously impossible to compare it to the markets of Strasbourg or Colmar in terms of size, even if it is far from being very small. On the other hand, it is fabulous in terms of setting, atmosphere and especially authenticity.

The farms form a perfect setting to host the Christmas market and give it an intimate atmosphere. The exhibitors are rigorously selected and all offer quality handicrafts (not Chinese handicrafts). Moreover, the stands proposing food (mulled wine, soups, pancakes, etc) are held by volunteers of the village and the profits are given to the associations of Quatzenheim. This gives you an idea of the state of mind! 🙂

In terms of entertainment, we would like to salute the choir singing Christmas carols (it puts you in the mood right away) as well as the arrival of Santa Cl aus (in person, yes!), a great moment for the children.

  • Superb setting of the Kochersberg farms
  • Quality of the products sold
  • Authentic atmosphere
  • Not necessarily easy to park
  • It’s a one night only, don’t miss it!

My photos of the Christmas market in Quatzenheim