Lalique Museum in Wingen-sur-Moder


The famous Lalique crystal factory is located in Wingen-sur-Moder, in northern Alsace. The Lalique Museum traces the history of the factory and allows visitors to discover the world and creations of René Lalique and his successors. This museum, opened in 2011, is spacious and modern. It's a beautiful place that I really enjoyed visiting!

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

The Lalique Museum exhibition is presented by theme, tracing the evolution of the brand. René Lalique began with goldsmithing before dedicating himself entirely to glasswork. His son Marc then decided to abandon glass in favor of crystal. One will be able to admire for example a series of jewels, bottles of perfume, glass dishes, modern creations in crystal… The collection is fascinating. I was particularly impressed by the diversity of the exhibits: what creativity!

I appreciated the video-guide offered by the Lalique Museum. It is interesting and allows you to easily choose the level of detail you want on a given topic: general synthesis of the subject, technical explanation or commentary on a work. The film shown in the auditorium at the end of the exhibition is also not to be missed as it shows the making of the crystal objects in the Lalique factory (which cannot be visited). Given the work required for each piece, from design to realization, we understand the high prices of the brand. This is a superb exercise in finesse!

To continue your discovery of crystal work, I also encourage you to visit the Saint-Louis crystal glassworks, where you can watch the craftsmen working the crystal. You can also visit Cristal Lehrer.

  • Very pleasant museum (space and museography)
  • Impressive and varied collection
  • Visio-guide interesting
  • Alsace Pass partner website
  • Small roads to get there: it’s a museum that must be earned! 😉