MAUSA (Museum of Urban and Street Art) Vauban of Neuf-Brisach


Do you know Neuf-Brisach ? Yes, the Vauban fortifications are classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site! Did you know that here, in the heart ofAlsace, in an extraordinary historical place, the second MAUSA (Museum of Urban Art and Street-Art) in France was born? Shall I take you?

Clémence aime dénicher des bons plans pour sa petite famille mais pas que. Curieuse de tout, elle a toujours aimé vadrouiller en Alsace - et ailleurs - et partager ses expériences avec ses amis et tout ceux qui en avaient besoin.

Street art is an artistic field that touches me. Why? Go figure… The fact that it is “rebellious” art at the base, that it is generally strong in colors or that it is often militant?

In any case, when I learned that the MAUSA had opened in Neuf-Brisach, I had to go there. I am not yet very knowledgeable about Street-Art, despite my interest in it. But names like Nasty or C215, who were among the graffiti artists to intervene, speak to me.

Street art for all tastes!

At MAUSA Vauban, we find mainly artists of the “old generation” who have already made a good reputation. And as with art in general, there is something for everyone: Seth’s colorful children whose faces are never seen, Nasty’s tagged subway signs, Pure Evil’s colorful peace messages and celebrity portraits, C215’s graffitied portrait of Vauban in the bend of a hallway, photographer Joseph Ford’s fun in blending his characters into the scenery by dressing them with the same colors and patterns, Guy Denning’s more melancholic portraits… Each artist has a dedicated room!

But, as in the street, there are also winks of artists to be found in the spaces reserved for other graffiti artists: for example, the children of Seth who squat in several other rooms. And thanks to some perspectives, you can see the games between them. Seth’s little boy looking at the portrait of Jean-Paul Sartre two rooms away, for example.

Are you with your family? It’s a good thing there’s a game to help children walk the halls safely. And yes, you can touch! We, in any case, will return with them. No doubt they will like it.

My favorites at MAUSA Vauban

How difficult it is to decide for one or the other artist! Let me choose three:

  • Pure Evil : the portraits of personalities, robots and positive messages of this English artist gave me back the pep!
  • Seth : we can’t see the faces of the children created by Julien Malland, also a columnist for the New Explorers on Canal +… They are both confusing and so endearing…
  • Denis Meyers: the space of this Belgian artist is an explosion of words and faces that jostle each other, only in black. It is totally atypical thanks to the black light which is regularly triggered and which makes his work stand out even more.

I can’t help but tell you about Nasty, the Parisian (I know, that’s 4!). The sign at the “Malakoff, Plateau de Vanves” metro station brought back some pretty good memories…

A museum in permanent evolution

It’s not over yet! Regularly, artists will continue to invest rooms of the ramparts of Vauban in Neuf-Brisach. Since we went there, Philippe Herard and the Brazilian graffiti artist Cranio whose blue Amazonian Indians are known all over the world have been added. In short, by staying connected to the MAUSA Facebook page , you will have the opportunity to see artists in the midst of their creation! It’s worth a second look, isn’t it?

  • The variety of artists
  • The fact that other graffiti artists will come regularly to intervene in the places
  • The contrast between street art and the history of this historic place
  • A store with already nice items: books, Mister Cat products…
  • A little more information would be helpful: for example, about the artists and their project. But it is expected to improve over time.

My photos of the MAUSA Vauban of Neuf-Brisach