Recipe for Alsatian flammekueche (flambé pie)

By Marine
Updated on 2024-04-26

Food lovers, here's a new must-try recipe from Alsace: Flammekueche (or flammkueche/flammkĂŒche, pronounced "Flam'koureu")! Here are my tips for making them at home.

Born and raised in Alsace, I'm in love with my region, but I also love to travel. On my blog Miss crumble, I share both traditional Alsatian recipes and recipes from other parts of the world. Cooking is all about the emotion of the taste buds!

The origins of flammekueche

Flammekueche was originally a festive snack for farmers. When they baked bread, they used the leftover dough, topped with cottage cheese and bacon. It was baked at the same time as the bread, in a hot wood-fired oven. It’s a tart flambĂ©ed over a wood fire (flammĂ©e would be more accurate).

When the tart came out of the oven, still hot, we cut it into rectangular slices, rolled up the slice and ate it with our fingers. That’s how we always eat it (don’t take out your cutlery 😉 ).

For those of you who aren’t necessarily at ease with our (lovely) dialect, you can just as easily talk about tarte flambĂ©e, it’ll be easier, and you’ll be talking about exactly the same thing as your Alsatian friends.

Flammkueche recipes

The original flammkueche recipe has changed very little: cream is now mixed with fromage blanc, and we’ve come up with some gourmet variations, which can be found on most restaurant menus in the region. Here they are:

  • traditional tarte flambĂ©e (called “normal”): bacon and onions;
  • la gratinĂ©e: normal + GruyĂšre cheese;
  • la forestiĂšre: onions + mushrooms;
  • ForestiĂšre au gratin: onions + mushrooms + GruyĂšre (and sometimes lardons too)
  • tarte flambĂ©e with munster cheese: normal + munster cheese;
  • tarte flambĂ©e aux pommes: a sweet dessert made with apple slices and flambĂ©ed in Calvados, the possibilities are endless!

Personally, I often stick to a good traditional tarte flambĂ©e. For an aperitif, or as a main course, flam’s are very easy to make.

Baking the tarte flambée

Ideally, of course, it should be baked in a tarte flambĂ©e or pizza oven. But you can also make it in your traditional oven, by placing it on a baking sheet with parchment paper. And if you’ve got a pizza stone, now’s the time to get it out, as it adds a little extra to the baking process.

Our recipe

Flammekueche alsacienne (tarte flambée)

Recette traditionnelle de la tarte flambée d'Alsace
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Course: Apéritif, Plat principal
Cuisine: Alsacienne
Keyword: Alsace
Servings: 1


Pour la pĂąte

  • 250 gr farine
  • 25 ml d’huile de colza
  • 1 pincĂ©e de sel
  • 150 ml d’eau tiĂšde

Pour la garniture

  • 150 gr de crĂšme fraĂźche Ă©paisse
  • 150 gr fromage blanc
  • 3 oignons
  • 200 gr de lardons fumĂ©s
  • Poivre
  • Muscade rĂąpĂ©
  • 1 cuillĂšre Ă  soupe d’huile de colza.


  • PrĂ©parez la pĂąte : mĂ©langez la farine avec le sel, l’huile et l’eau tiĂšde et pĂ©trissez bien (si possible avec le robot). La pĂąte est prĂȘte !
  • Il reste Ă  l’abaisser en forme de disque ou de rectangle, selon la taille de votre plaque.
  • PrĂ©parez ensuite la garniture : mĂ©langez dans un rĂ©cipient la crĂšme fraĂźche et le fromage blanc. Ajoutez le poivre et la muscade rĂąpĂ©e. Le mĂ©lange doit ĂȘtre bien aromatisĂ©.
  • Allumez le four sur 230°C.
  • Émincez assez finement les oignons, vous pouvez les faire revenir, mais sinon, ils cuiront au four.
  • DĂ©posez la pĂąte sur une plaque garnie d’un papier sulfurisĂ© (ou sur une pelle Ă  pizza pour la mettre ensuite sur votre brique rĂ©fractaire chaude).
  • Avec une spatule, Ă©talez le mĂ©lange sur la pĂąte en respectant un bord de 1 cm. RĂ©partissez Ă©quitablement des lardons et une poignĂ©e d’oignons.
  • Enfournez quand le four est Ă  tempĂ©rature.
  • La tarte sera cuite en 8 Ă  10 minutes. La tarte doit commencer Ă  brunir. Servez chaud.


Accompagnez d’une biĂšre ou d’un Sylvaner (vin blanc pas trop sucrĂ© et frais).