Rent an electric boat without a license in Mulhouse


Hissez ho, moussaillons! From July to September, Alsace Plaisance is offering you the chance to take the controls of an electric boat without a license, and sail for 1 hour on the Rhone-Rhine canal in Mulhouse. The pier is located behind the Museum of Textile Printing, a short walk from the train station and the city center.

Journaliste dans la vraie vie, blogueuse pour le plaisir, Léa a toujours aimé débusquer des adresses gourmandes méconnues, des activités insolites, des randos hors des sentiers battus, des lieux avec une histoire et une âme... Cela tombe bien, l'Alsace en regorge !

The captain will show you how to pilot the boats, which are designed for four to five people. It really isn’t complicated, and you don’t need any experience to do it! The control box allows you to move forward, backward or into neutral.

Ready? Raise the anchor! Along the water, we discover barges, bridges and buildings. We have fun waving at cyclists and passers-by. The boats are comfortable and the electric motor, very quiet, allows you to chat throughout the ride. The piloting remains accessible due to the low speed of the boat and the straight channel. No chance to sink 🙂

Once you arrive at the beautiful Foundry Bridge, you will have to turn around to return to your starting point. It is not possible to go further because of the locks. The only drawbacks for me were the really slow speed of the boats (but as they are unlicensed boats, it is understandable) and the long and somewhat monotonous side of the canal. That said, it’s a nice experience to try, not too expensive and accessible with children.

  • The ease of piloting
  • A comfortable and quiet boat
  • Affordable rates
  • A monotonous route

My pictures of the electric boat ride in Mulhouse