Visit of the church of Ottmarsheim – Jewel of the Romanesque art


I take you to visit the church of Ottmarsheim, one of the most beautiful churches in Alsace. Ottmarsheim is located east of Mulhouse, on the banks of the Rhine. We are here away from the Alsatian tourist routes, and yet a nice surprise awaits the visitors coming to the area... The abbey of Ottmarsheim is a true jewel of Romanesque art!

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

A religious building with an octagonal plan unique in Alsace

Located on the Route Romane d’Alsacethe Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul church in Ottmarsheim was built between 1030 and 1040 by Rodolphe d’Altenbourg, one of the founders of the Habsburg family, before being consecrated in 1049 by Alsatian Pope Leo IX.

The great particularity of this 11th century church is its octagonal central plan, which is a copy of the very famous Palatine Chapel of Aachen in Germany, making it a unique building in Alsace. The elevation on four levels as well as the beauty of the frescoes found inside the church also make the visit to the place really interesting.

It is really amazing to pass the door of the church: it is already pretty from the outside, but I did not expect so many wonders when I entered! It’s worth spending a little time there to observe all the little details.

Guided tours of the abbey church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Ottmarsheim

Even if the church of Ottmarsheim can be visited freely, I advise you to take a guided tour in order to learn more about the history of the place but also to discover all the sumptuous details of the exterior and the interior of the church.

Classic guided tours are organized regularly, but also theatrical tours. Having had the chance to attend one of them, I can only recommend it. You will learn a lot about Ottmarsheim in the company of Rodolphe or Cunégonde, Count and Countess of Altenbourg. It’s both fun and very informative!

Idea for a bike ride around Ottmarsheim

If you want to have a nice day and take the opportunity to visit the Ottmarsheim church, I can advise you a nice bike tour called “Forests and waterways around Mulhouse” which I talk about on my other blog in this article dedicated to the visit of Mulhouse. Just add a few kilometers to this loop to get to Ottmarsheim, it is worth it! As a bonus, we can stop for a coffee or meal at the tea room L’étape Romane, located right next to the church and which is a good address.

  • Beautiful and original church
  • Dramatized visits
  • Nothing!