Cycling tour around Sélestat (47km)

Updated on 2024-07-11

I tested the local loop 620 d'Alsace à vélo, entitled Cités médiévales et art baroque. If I had to recommend a route for your first day exploring Alsace by bike, this is one I'd recommend. This itinerary of 47km and 260m of elevation gain allows you to discover Alsace in all its splendor and variety, with a whole part on the Wine Route but also another one in the plain of Alsace. A favorite!

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!
Elevation gain
3h approximately

My summary

  • Superb bike loop
  • Variety of landscapes
  • Lots of places to visit along the way
  • Nothing!

Explore the Alsace Wine Route

The itinerary starts in the charming village ofItterswiller, where I advise you to take a walk. Don’t miss the view of the Wine Route from the parking lot of the Arnold Hotel, it is magnificent! Then, it’s off to pedal on the Alsace Wine Route. If the route does not have bike paths at this point, you should not worry: you cycle mainly on roads reserved for residents and winegrowers (except in the villages) and it remains really comfortable.

The itinerary allows you to discover beautiful Alsatian villages: Nothalten, Blienschwiller, Dambach-la-ville, Dieffenthal, Scherwiller, Châtenois and finally Kintzheim. In addition to admiring the beauty of these little jewels, it can be an opportunity to visit a winegrower and taste (in moderation) some Alsatian wine. On the route, you can pass from me to the Domaine Sohler in Nothalten, Hubert Metz in Blienschwiller or Achillée in Scherwiller.

In Dieffenthal, I advise you to leave the course and go to the Rocher des Celtes. it climbs but it is very short, and you will have a very beautiful view on the plain of Alsace. I discovered this place during this loop and liked it a lot! Between Dieffenthal and Scherwiller, you can also go up to the Taennelkreuz Chapel to enjoy the view. We arrive then in Scherwiller, one of my favorite villages in Alsace: with its wash houses and its beautiful houses, I find that it has a crazy charm!

During the walk, you will see castle ruins on the heights: the castles of Ortenbourg and Ramstein, and a little further on the castle of Kintzheim. The latter has the particularity of hosting the Volerie des Aigles, one of the most popular animal parks in Alsace with its neighbor the Montagne des Singes.

In Châtenois, I’d advise you to go slightly off the route to see the Tour des Sorcières and the town ramparts, as it would be a shame to miss this part of town. The only part of the loop that is not very pleasant in terms of security is the entrance of Châtenois because there is a road and a very busy traffic circle, but fortunately it is fast! Just be very careful at this point.

Once in Kintzheim, an option can be to climb towards the Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle for the most athletic among you… Or those equipped with an electric bike! It is not on the loop but it can be an interesting detour to make if you have never visited the most famous castle of Alsace, but be careful your calves will heat up 😉

Visit Sélestat

Halfway along the route is the town of Selestat, which I like very much. Sélestat is not ultra touristic but is at the same time very beautiful and lively. There are plenty of nice shops, a lovely downtown area and the famous Humanist Library. Feel free to check my article dedicated to the visit of Selestat for more information. You can rent an electrically-assisted bicycle directly from Sélestat Haut-Koenigsbourg Tourisme. Find out more here.

Discover the Ried

One leaves then Selestat by a road which does not have anything very pleasant but is well made safe thanks to a cycle track. Once in the ried, it is again nicer, with beautiful landscapes. The Ried is the plain of Alsace: a corner often ignored by visitors, although it is also very interesting! You will find here all my ideas of things to do in the Ried d’Alsace. This cycling loop will already take you to some interesting places, as you cycle through the Ried countryside and its villages, and visit Ebersmunster Abbey, an incredible Baroque abbey . Then it’s back on to the Route des Vins, with a lovely view of the village of Epfig before reaching Itterswiller.