Spa Sulzbad, an intimate thermal spa in Alsace!


The thermal spa Sulzbad is located in Wolxheim, north of the Alsace Wine Route. But Sulzbad is above all the baths of Soultz-les-Bains! The place may be attached to the neighboring town of Wolxheim, but it is indeed one of them: I had often wondered where the spring was that gave its name to the town, without taking the time to do a search... Although I live nearby, I didn't know the Sulzbad, which is a rather intimate place among the spas in Alsace.

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

The thermal spring that gushes out here (the Saint-Amand spring) does not date back to yesterday: it has existed for more than 5 centuries! Montaigne himself came at the time to take advantage of its benefits… This water is indeed rich in minerals and trace elements. You will find the details of its composition and its benefits in the pictures below. I was really happy to discover that we could benefit from such a thermal water so close to Strasbourg!

The Sulzbad Spa is a small, intimate spa, which nevertheless offers a wide range of treatments and activities. The spa has a thermal water pool, a jacuzzi area within the pool, a relaxation room and a eucalyptus vaporium (kind of hammam, fabulous if you have a cold by the way! I tested it for you 😉 ). It is possible to choose to access only these areas, or to take a wide variety of treatments in addition. Massages, facials, various jets, affusion, pressotherapy, plantar reflexology, scrubs, slimming treatments… There is really a lot to choose from, I must admit that I was blown away! The Sulzbad also regularly organizes numerous activities and animations: aquagym, various conferences, yoga classes… The place is dynamic!

I took advantage of the thermal pool, the vaporium, the affusion and a complete facial treatment with different clays. I also had a small glimpse of other treatments such as the Jacquier Air Bowl or the sound massage with Tibetan bowls. I came home tired with a bad cold, but I came out with a better head and my cold passed much faster than usual! A good experience 🙂 I would add that the staff is also very friendly and attentive.

The setting of the Sulzbad is magnificent: you would never suspect from the road that such a place could exist here. An old building stands in the middle of a huge park with trees in which you can walk. Inside, the spaces are pleasant, clean and modern while having, I find, kept a certain old-fashioned charm (which I like I must say!).

All in all, the Sulzbad is a small and pleasant spa with a good range of treatments and excellent thermal water. I will definitely be going back very soon!

If you are looking for a accommodation right next to the Sulzbad to enjoy the spring water and the treatments during your stay in Alsace, I invite you to look at the Charming lodgings Griotte and Cannellewhich are in a nearby village and are very pleasant!

  • Thermal water
  • Small intimate spa
  • Quality of care offered
  • Small spa, so not many different “places” to try if you don’t take treatments

My photos of the Sulzbad Spa in Wolxheim