The 17 most beautiful villages on the Alsace Wine Route

kaysersberg-wine route-village

The Alsace Wine Route is a tourist route located in Alsace, France. It is a must-see when visiting the region! It crosses the vineyards of Alsace from north to south over 170 kilometers, from Marlenheim to Thann. In this blog post, I tell you about the most beautiful villages on the Alsace Wine Route, or more precisely, my favorites!

Laurène is the blog's creator. Originally from Brittany but now living in Alsace, she has fallen in love with her adopted region and loves exploring its every nook and cranny to unearth great ideas to share with you!

1. Colmar, Alsace Wine Capital

Colmar isn’t exactly a village, as it’s one of Alsace’s three largest cities, but I’m including it here because it’s the Capital of Alsace Wines. Colmar is really a little jewel, you have to take the time to walk through its small streets, it’s magical!

2. Kaysersberg

North of Colmar, Kaysersberg is located… in the Kaysersberg Valley. I say this because I like this valley a lot in general. I can’t get enough of the panorama of the vineyard that you have when you arrive in the valley from Colmar, and the beautiful views from the heights of the village, especially from the ruins of the imperial castle. Kayserberg was elected favorite village of the French in 2017, and you will understand why when you visit it, it’s beautiful!

3. Eguisheim

Another village very close to Colmar, but this time in the south, Eguisheim was also elected favorite village of the French (but in 2013). This charming village built in a snail shape is very pleasant to walk through.

4. Riquewihr

Riquewihr is nicknamed the Pearl of the Vineyard, and is one of the most beautiful villages in France. It’s a lovely village that really deserves a visit, even if it’s also really touristy!

5. Ribeauvillé

Ribeauvillé, just next to Riquewihr, is a little less known than this one and has succeeded in my opinion to keep more of a local life which is not only turned towards tourism. It is a small medieval city full of charm, with very beautiful buildings and beautiful half-timbered houses that we discover during a stroll in its paved streets. I like it a lot!

6. Obernai

Obernai is a little less known than the previous ones but remains a must in my opinion. It is a city that I love, very close to my gite and near the Mont Sainte-Odile. It has the merit of being a nice little town with nice shops, old ramparts and a nice local life.

7. Molsheim

Molsheim is at the northern end of the Wine Route, a place that is not the most famous but that is really nice. I like to come to Molsheim, it’s a quiet little town with a very nice central square.

8. Rosheim

Rosheim is located right next to Obernai, at the foot of the Mont Sainte-Odile, but is often forgotten by visitors. It is not very big but Rosheim has some really beautiful romanesque buildings, including an incredible church. Rosheim is also part of the Alsace Wine Route and the Romanesque Route.

9. Boersch

Just next to Rosheim, Boersch is one of my favorites. It’s a very small village, but it’s so cute! Don’t miss the town hall and the beautiful six-bucket well.

10. Barr

Another beautiful village near Obernai, where you can walk through pretty little streets, admire a sublime Renaissance-style town hall and take a gourmet break at a winemaker’s!

11. Mittelbergheim

Mittelbergheim is a special village on the Alsace Wine Route. Indeed, don’t expect to find here a plethora of half-timbered houses: the village is known for its Renaissance buildings, which have earned it a place among the Most Beautiful Villages of France. Superb and yet rather unknown!

12. Andlau

Andlau is also one of my favorites, not least for its location: it’s impossible to get enough of the panoramic view of this wine-growing village from either side of the Wine Route: the sight of the village nestled in the vineyards and surrounded by mountains is splendid! As a bonus, the village is charming, with a beautiful built heritage.


13. Itterswiller

Itterswiller has a special flavor for me since it was one of the first places I visited in Alsace, long before I decided to settle there. I stayed in the beautiful Hotel Arnold and was amazed by the beauty of the village and the panoramic view from the village. Just park in front of the hotel, the parking lot has a great view!


14. Scherwiller

Scherwiller, near Sélestat, was a wonderful discovery for me as I cycled along the Alsace Wine Route. I totally fell in love with this charming village crossed by a river and endowed with a hundred wash houses, especially since the houses are also sublime.

15. Bergheim

Bergheim is also a small wonder, located not far from Ribeauvillé. I love to walk through its splendid alleys, in which one is in the peace.

16. Turckheim

Turckheim is located right next to Colmar and is known for its fortifications (and for the beauty of its houses too!). A night watchman still makes his rounds in accordance with an ancestral tradition, and you can accompany him from May to October as well as during the period of the Christmas markets.

17. Thann

Thann is the last village of the Wine Route, in the south of Alsace. Thann is a small town known for its collegiate church Saint-Thiébault, the second most beautiful gothic church in Alsace. After walking through its beautiful streets, don’t hesitate to go up to the ruins of the castle of Engelbourg for a beautiful view of the surroundings.

Map of the most beautiful villages of the Alsace Wine Route