Our favorite vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free restaurants in Strasbourg

By Léa
Updated on 2024-05-09

Not always easy to find a vegetarian or vegan restaurant in Strasbourg. And if you want gluten-free or lactose-free dishes, it's not easy either... But don't panic! You don't have to eat sauerkraut and tarte flambée when you come to Strasbourg: it is possible to eat vegetarian or vegan, as long as you know some good addresses. Two of us (Léa and Laurène) wrote this article, in order to give you our favorite veggie restaurant addresses, after the more general list of our good restaurant addresses in Strasbourg.

Journaliste dans la vraie vie, blogueuse pour le plaisir, Léa a toujours aimé débusquer des adresses gourmandes méconnues, des activités insolites, des randos hors des sentiers battus, des lieux avec une histoire et une âme... Cela tombe bien, l'Alsace en regorge !

How was this list compiled?

We appreciate restaurants that offer a true vegetarian cuisine and clearly highlight the presence or absence of gluten, lactose and other allergens. Not the dishes stamped vegetarian by some restaurant owners who are content to cook a few vegetables or offer pasta dishes with three pieces of tomato: no, the addresses we have listed here offer real vegan cuisine. Vegetarian or vegan restaurants worthy of the name cook tasty seasonal products, giving pride of place to local and even organic products and mixing different flavors with brio.

The idea of this article is not to list all the vegetarian and vegan restaurants in Strasbourg nor those with only one or two vegan dishes on the menu, but rather to propose our selection of good addresses to treat yourself, whether you are vegetarian or not! Important note: this list of restaurants is not exhaustive and, of course, totally subjective: these are the addresses that we would recommend to our friends, it has no additional pretension. We are not the Michelin Guide 😛

If you’re looking for good brunches, you can check out this article dedicated to the best brunches in Strasbourg: we’ve included some great vegan and gluten-free options!

1. Velicious (vegan, gluten-free options)


Our common darling to both of us! The restaurant Velicious, located a little away from the tourist areas, is one of the few to offer a completely vegan menu in Strasbourg, with gluten-free options. Depending on the season, the cooks prepare salads, quiches, soups, vegan sauerkraut (yes, yes), wraps and weekly suggestions. There is even a children’s menu. As for their pastries (especially the Black Forest!), they are simply to die for. It’s delicious, light and reasonably priced, knowing that Vélicious favors organic and local products whenever possible. It has a small vegan grocery store and a nice list of natural and/or organic wines. The concept is really pushed to the limit: electricity from renewable energy, use of recyclable fiber packaging, composting of leftovers… Last argument to convince you: the team is adorable.

  • The quality of the dishes and pastries
  • Gluten-free options
  • An ethical concept pushed to the maximum
  • The reception
  • Also open in the evening
  • Nothing!

2. Harmonie Bowl and Juice (vegan, gluten-free)


And here is my favorite (Laurène)! Harmonie Bowl and Juice is the kind of restaurant I would probably go to far too often if I lived right next door…Its small menu features seasonal, organic, vegan and gluten-free cuisine. Meylee and Quentin compose their plates (or rather their bowls, because that’s how all the dishes are served) following the principles of naturopathy, so that each dish is balanced. If that sounds boring, you should know that the taste has not been forgotten: it is there! Healthy yet cheerful and full of flavor, that’s how you can sum up Harmonie Bowl and Juice. And if you accompany your dish with a juice prepared in the extractor and finish with a good little dessert (ah, matcha cake…), it’s heaven.

  • Healthy and tasty bowls
  • Almost 100% organic, vegan and gluten free
  • Friendly welcome and nice setting
  • It is very quickly full
  • No formula so not given
  • Noon only

3. Madame Julia (vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options)


This is an address I’ve already mentioned in my favorite cafés and the best brunches in Strasbourg. Good news, this is a place that is very suitable for vegetarians, vegans and gluten intolerant people. In the pretty setting of Madame Julia’s, the menu includes a variety of toasts and pancakes (savory and sweet), which are offered with optional gluten-free bread and gluten-free pancakes. On the veggie side, you will also easily find what you are looking for. This is a very good start, especially since the dishes are tasty and well served.

Among the desserts, vegan and gluten-free options are also available and you can enjoy a good chocolate cake, for example…

  • Tasty and hearty dishes
  • Lots of vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free options
  • Pleasant setting
  • Impossible to reserve
  • Noon only

4. Café Potager (vegan and vegetarian options)


The Café Potager in Strasbourg is my favorite of the year (Léa). This fast food restaurant offers deliciousvegetarian and vegan food (quiches, vegetable crumbles, salads, Asian noodles…) but also dishes with meat or fish. All based on fresh, local, seasonal and sometimes organic products. Their pastries (cheesecake, carrott cake, linzer torte) are simply amazing. On the beverage side, Jardin de Gaïa teas and a range of excellent hot drinks are available. The decoration is very nice: the Café Potager has installed real plants and aromatic herbs. If we can criticize them for the tight tables, I find it nice to exchange with the neighbors on the chosen dishes 😉 Only drawbacks: the portions are light for big appetites and it is difficult to find seats between noon and two.

  • The desserts :p
  • Reasonable prices
  • The kindness of the team even in the middle of a rush
  • Hard to find space!
  • Noon only

5. L’Eden Libre de Gluten (gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options)


The Gluten Free Eden is not a restaurant (not to be confused with the Gluten Free Eden restaurant) but a bakery which, as its name indicates, offers exclusively gluten free products! It is clearly a paradise for gluten-free dieters in Strasbourg since they can find real pastries and good bread (yes, even baguette). This bakery is the little sister of the one located in Obernai and about which I had already spoken to you.

You can have lunch on the go on the few small tables installed in the pretty store. You won’t find really cooked dishes but quiches, pizzas and sandwiches, served on option with a salad or a home-made soup. The choice is not huge but it’s good, gluten free and there are even vegetarian and vegan options for both savory and baked goods. I put the note of 4/5 because there are few salty choices, but everything is really qualitative!

  • Everything is gluten free
  • Delicious pastries and bread
  • Vegan and vegetarian options
  • Very nice setting and friendly welcome
  • No daily specials
  • Limited choice for salty food
  • Noon only

6. Au Potiron (vegan and vegetarian)


On the winter menu of the restaurant Au Potiron, one of the oldest entirely vegetarian and vegan restaurants in Strasbourg, there are hearty dishes. We tested a gratin with vegetarian sausage, crème fraîche, munster cheese, garlic, pesto and potatoes. For the pizza it was a “Capo” with eggplant, shallots, walnuts, parsley, sesame, olives and veggie sausage. Knowing that there are also salads and pastas on the menu and classic desserts: tarte tatin or fruit tart, chocolate fondant, tiramisu… Conclusion? Mixed. The portions are generous, the products are of good quality and sometimes organic, the service is very attentive… But I found that the dishes lacked flavor, finesse and originality. As for the desserts, I simply advise you to pass! A second test will be necessary for me…

  • The reception of the managers
  • Hearty dishes
  • Decoration of the place
  • Dishes that lack flavor
  • Desserts to avoid