
Journaliste dans la vraie vie, blogueuse pour le plaisir, Léa a toujours aimé débusquer des adresses gourmandes méconnues, des activités insolites, des randos hors des sentiers battus, des lieux avec une histoire et une âme... Cela tombe bien, l'Alsace en regorge !


Visit to the Tomi Ungerer Museum in Strasbourg
By Léa

The 3 Brigands, The Giant of Zeralda, John of the Moon, The Mellops… You must know one of these children’s books written by Tomi Ungerer. The artist from Strasbourg, who passed away in February 2019, left a huge mark on the world of illustration in Alsace and in France. But also in the United States, […]

Visit of the Alsatian Museum of Strasbourg – A return to the past
By Léa

Along with the Tomi Ungerer Museum, Strasbourg’s Alsatian Museum is one of my favorite cultural visits and museums in Strasbourg. It retraces the daily life in the Alsatian countryside in the 18th and 19th centuries, through numerous objects. The museum, created in 1907, was installed on the Quai Saint-Nicolas, in a typical 17th century building. […]

Our favorite world cuisine restaurants in Strasbourg
By Léa

Looking for a world cuisine restaurant in Strasbourg? The whole world meets in Strasbourg, so you might as well find it in your plate when you are fed up with sauerkraut! After giving you our favorite French and Alsatian restaurants in Strasbourg as well as our favorite vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free restaurants, we’ve put together […]

Three Lakes Hike – A collection of beautiful landscapes
By Léa

If you feel like flirting with the Vosges peaks while passing through beautiful and varied landscapes, I found a perfect hike in Alsace. The three lakes hikeon the heights ofOrbey.This is an 11km loop, with little difference in altitude (about 500m) and rather accessible (even if it climbs a little!). It is a rather classical […]

Hike from Hohneck to the Frankenthal-Missheimle nature reserve
By Léa

Flowery meadows, shady forests, winding and steep paths, a magnificent panorama of the Vosges… This is the program of this Hike to the Hohneck! This 11km loop hike (5h), which passes through the Frankenthal-Missheimle nature reserveThis is a great opportunity to discover the diversity of the landscapes you will cross… And its sporty side! Warning: […]

Rent an electric boat without a license in Mulhouse
By Léa

Hissez ho, moussaillons! From July to September, Alsace Plaisance is offering you the chance to take the controls of an electric boat without a license, and sail for 1 hour on the Rhone-Rhine canal in Mulhouse. The pier is located behind the Museum of Textile Printing, a short walk from the train station and the […]

Best ice cream parlors in Strasbourg: where to eat a good ice cream?
By Léa

The question of the best ice cream shop in Strasbourg comes up as soon as summer approaches! What are my favorite ice cream shops in Strasbourg, where I can taste quality ice cream and sorbets? Obviously, I haven’t tried out all the addresses in town, and this selection is subjective, but you’re unlikely to be […]

Hike to the Soultzbach waterfall (3h)
By Léa

An easy 8km loop, about 3 hours, with a cool break at the Soultzbach waterfall and a beautiful panorama for the picnic, what do you say? Direction Urmatt, in the Bruche valley, an area of Alsace very appreciated for its hikes among which the famous Donon or another waterfall, the Nideck. Ascent to the Soultzbach […]

Our 7 favorite designer and local craft stores in Strasbourg
By Léa

Bringing back souvenirs from Alsace or finding a gift: a real hassle for some, a pleasure for others… Personally, I prefer to buy things that are handmade and/or artisanal and local. Fortunately, Strasbourg has many art and craft stores that are completely compatible with small budgets! Here are my favorite addresses for designer stores and […]